If you have red, itchy, or watery eyes, get screened for iritis. Iritis is a leading cause of vision loss and requires prompt treatment. At St. Croix Falls Eye Associates, in St. Croix Falls, Webster, and Frederic, Wisconsin, licensed optometrists Lawrence Tran, OD, and Sandra Dolphin, OD, have years of experience diagnosing and treating iritis. Call the nearest office today to request an iritis screening, or book your appointment online.

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What is iritis?

Iritis, also known as anterior uveitis, refers to inflammation of your iris –– the colored ring around your pupil.

Iritis often occurs suddenly, either because of an underlying health problem or a genetic condition. If you have symptoms of iritis, contact St. Croix Falls Eye Associates immediately. Intervention can reduce your risk of more serious problems, like glaucoma and vision loss.

What are the symptoms of iritis?

Symptoms of iritis include:

  • Eye redness
  • Discomfort or itchiness in your affected eye
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Vision changes

Get screened for iritis even if you aren’t worried. Prompt treatment can preserve your vision and reduce the risk of potential complications.

What causes iritis?

Iritis occurs for various reasons, including:

  • Eye injuries
  • Infection
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Taking certain medications
  • Having a weakened immune system or underlying immune disorder

Certain lifestyle factors can contribute to iritis, including smoking.

How is iritis diagnosed?

Your St. Croix Falls Eye Associates provider reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and completes an eye exam. They do a visual acuity test to assess your vision, a slit-lamp test to look for eye inflammation, and an external exam to check your eyes for redness and discharge.

If your optometrist suspects your iritis is due to an infection, they may order other tests, like X-rays or bloodwork.

Can iritis be prevented?

There’s no way to prevent iritis, but you can reduce your risk. For example, if you have an autoimmune condition, it’s crucial to take your medication as prescribed. Likewise, if you’re doing something that increases your risk of an eye injury, wear protection, like safety glasses.

How is iritis treated?

St Croix Falls Eye Associates uses prescription eye drops to treat iritis. They may recommend:

Steroid eye drops

These eye drops contain prescription-strength medication that reduces inflammation. You apply them several times a day, as prescribed.

Dilating eye drops

These eye drops make your pupil (the round spot in the center of your eye) smaller. Dilating your pupils relieves iritis pain and reduces your risk of complications.

If your symptoms continue or worsen even after completing your course of eyedrops, your provider may prescribe oral steroids or other anti-inflammatory medicines. The goal is to provide lasting pain relief and prevent vision loss.

Call the nearest St. Croix Falls Eye Associates office today to receive treatment for iritis, or make your appointment online.